This is the middle fork of the Smith River here on your left. A picture doesn't capture it, obviously. My buddy Bruceroy's land is in this neck of the woods on the South Fork - wonder if she's out there?

Ohhh...Babe is headless! I remember reading about this. This is such one of those sites that I see and say, "yep...I'm back in town." Those of you who know "Trees of Mystery" know how friggin huge these statues are. I guess Babe's head got a little case of rot and fell off at some point last year. I would've loved to be the employee driving into work and seeing that. I would've loved to see it happen. But, we've got this picture.

So, here's a little story for you.
See this back porch door? This is at Jaca and Nym's house and this
is the place where I had my last drink back in 2002. I tell this story every year at my anniversary meeting, so now you guys can put a picture to it. The short version goes like this:
I was sitting out here in the morning - I think I was on my third or fourth beer (Red Tail Ale) and smoking away..and Nymiah comes out and says "you know, I don't care if you drink, but you gotta stop drinking my beer."
Of course, she cared a great deal - but it worked. I was broke..I had already planned to stop as I was headed out of town to Sonja and Mike's the next day - and so..without any cash to buy any more booze - and as sick as I was anyway - that was that. Jaca and I were talking about that last night and she laughed about the association I have with this house. I like it - it's good to be reminded where you come from. Isn't that why we go to meetings?
Anyway, I mention this here for a couple of reasons...one just to give you guys a visual...and two, because I'm choosing to surrender up my tobacco habit from this point as well. I like symmetry, and this feels as good a place to start as any. So, I'm using the power of place...my own desire and throwing in the fact that it's Lent (didja know I'm Catholic?) to aid me in this transition. Feels right. Besides, what's a pilgrimage without a sacrifice? So...I'm sacrificing, well my inner tobacco addict I suppose. Man, she's been around for fucking ever! It's time to lay her on the altar, let her go the way of the gods and they can have at her for awhile. I've been dragging her around long enough.
Anyhoo...I'm heading down to San Francisco later this afternoon. I'll be in touch!
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