I took that picture later in the day. In the morning I met up with my brother Shane for breakfast and a walk on Ocean Beach (that's the Cliff House in the background). He is holding his new puppy - Nicki Belle (yes, I gave him shit about the name). The pup is sporting a cast from a hairline fracture - she'll be fine, but we sure got a lot of attention regarding the "awww" factor of such a cute puppy with such a sad little injury.

Shane dropped me off downtown so I could deal with my iPOD at the MAC store (no luck, long story). From there I walked over to Chinatown, thru North Beach and up and over Telegraph Hill where I caught site of the famous parrots flying overhead. They moved too fast for me to photograph and I couldn't find them roosting anywhere so you'll just have to take my word for it.
These guys however were quite easy to capture.
I can't remember offhand the complete story, but my memory dictates that after the '89 earthquake - the sea lions just decided to move onto these mooring docks at Pier 39. Much debate ensued between biologists and the boaters who were docking here. The biologists and conservationists won, so the boats had to move out and these guys have been here ever since. They are now a pretty steady tourist attraction and very fun to watch. No, seriously.

Afterwards I headed down the street to Boudin's bakery to grab a 1/2 pound sourdough round. This picture is for Gwen. She finds the way I eat sourdough amusing. It's really the only way to eat it. Boudin has been using the same sourdough starter since 1849 - the story goes that in the midst of the 1906 earthquake a family member made sure to save the starter before the bakery burned down in the ensuing fires. Lucky for us. Mmmmm, sourdough.

Finished my festival of food with Crab Cippiono at Fisherman's Grotto #9 - My father and Liz graciously came up from the Easy Bay to treat me to my "last" meal - and what a meal! This is finger food. Crab, shrimp and mussels - served in the shell - in a thick tomato sauce. You have to use your hands, hence the bib. We all had the same dish and our server commented on how little mess we actually made. Pros, we are.

Finished the night accompanying Danny and Susi out to dinner (I ate hardly anything..I couldn't manage much after all that) and now I am getting ready to retire. Jake is coming by around 8am to pick me up and take me up to DQ University where my journey officially begins. Don't know what my internet access will be like, so I may not be able to blog as often as we are all used to. I'll do my best.
Glad to know you're all there - we'll talk soon!
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