This is a giant picture of Bobby Kennedy and Cesar sharing mass after his first fast. We watched a video here at the center that talked about the relationship the Kennedy family and the Chavez family have to this day. That the two men shared a common vision - and despite the vast differences in their backgrounds, they shared a dedication that was mutually appreciated.
Here is the fountain that flows beside Cesar's grave. It might be a little hard to see these carvings - but I'm told it was designed to represent all the peoples of the world. It's an amazing piece of art. Early this morning the monks invited us to come to a 6am prayer session at the gravesite. And so here in this space we chanted namu myoho ren ge kyo, Bonnie sang a peace song, a couple of our Native friends offered prayers and Kenaida, one of the Japanese monks, did us up a southern spiritual (you should hear him sing "swing lo, sweet chariot").

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