That's not entirely true of course.
I have so many of you with me as I set out on this adventure...I can't tell you how much it has meant to have such overwhelming support - particularly over these last couple of weeks as I've packed and repacked and spun my emotions into spindles of trepidation, anxiety and finally, great excitement.
I thank you for all of your lunches and dinners and walks. Your phone calls, visits and seemingly endless cups of tea. Your quiet sitting while I pace and move piles. Your graciousness in watching Xena episodes with me and putting up with my never-ending commentary about it. Your hugs, kind smiles and reality checks (I'm laughing as I write this because the other day I was bemoaning the fact that I might not come back to Portland and gwen says, after a beat, "isn't that being a little melodramatic?"). Yesssss.
You have put your love and energy into helping me prepare for this great pilgrimage and I'm so excited to share as much of it as I can with all of you.
You guys are simply the best and I love you.
(Even now..here it is 10:00 at night and gwen just got home from work. She is in there making me a "going away" sandwich for the road trip down to Humboldt. Bread, meat and cheese. She knows me, that girl.)
So thank you my dear friends....we'll be in touch no doubt...probably so much so that I won't really be gone...except for the fact that you won't have to hear about Xena for awhile.
But I'll probably find a way to work her in.
Love you guys and I'll see ya soon.
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