Just got back from a quick trip down to Southern Oregon where I was gleefully visiting with my buddy Bruceroy and reuiniting the Carpentry by Force crew. Several years ago the two of us (and Bob) built a fine shed out at the river, and I'm proud to say it is still standing! I do have to say I was a little disappointed to find out that Bruceroy is building her house out there and has succumbed to using professional help. But..........I suppose it's understandable as our carpentry skills are, while enthusiastic, umm, a little ragged around the edges.

However, this ditch digging project was right on up our alley and we were out there in the mild rain, playing in the mud and diverting water from pooling up underneath the yurt. Corbs got off a nice quote which summed up our day, "Isn't it great being an adult? You can eat hot dogs for breakfast (which we did) and play in the mud all day."
Oh, and this is what Sophie was doing while we were out there saving the home from the ravages of winter:

I love going down to the quiet. I got out of the car at night and was greeted by starlight stretched from hilltop to horizon in such a way as to make one say, "wow."
We don't get to see that kind of starlight here in the city.
I haven't seen Corbs (Bruceroy) for awhile, since the Indigo Girls concert last summer so we had a nice visit. Also got to catch up with Regs (Bob)on the phone which was an added treat.
Every time I'm down there I wish I was able to stay longer. It also strengthens my committment to live in the country again someday. I love the quiet and the ruggedness. At one point I was standing outside and heard what sounded like the highway until I remembered the nearest highway was about 30 miles away. What I was hearing was the wind sweeping through the surrounding pines and cedars and wished for that moment that I didn't know what a highway was.
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