Spent my New Year's Day walking around town. I was working on 20 miles today...had originally planned to hit the Springwater Corridor Trail; but decided in the end that sounded a little desolate for my mood. I set my sites on Arbor Lodge for a lunch stop and headed out.
I do love cruising Portland neighborhoods; they are all so beautiful - plenty to look at what with all of our trees, contrasting architecture, a wonderful variety of landscapes both ruffled and refined. And it was such a beautiful day; a little blustery, not too cold and not a drop of rain.

It was nice just wandering and eye-spying cat loafs on porches, I threw a tennis ball for a dog in a yard. These guys took kind of an interest in me....what fun to turn a corner and encounter untethered chickens. Gotta love that.

I wore my iPOD today..something I haven't done yet. I think I just wanted company for my head and the music helped. I've made plans to go to Southern Oregon at the end of next week, followed by a trip to the Bay Area and then out to Newport for a few days of unencumbered beach time. Things are feeling a little rampy and it'll be good to get out of my routine for a week or so. I'm hoping it'll help me focus a bit. At this point I can't do too much else except wait.
So, I ended up doing probably 18 miles today, a little shy of my goal - I'll give it another go on Thursday I think. The body is feeling good - definitely started feeling a little pain after about 4 hours, but a little rest and food helped push out that last couple of hours without much complaint.
All in all - feels like a nice way to start out the year..hope y'all had a nice one!

nice chickens. they look like my friend's chickens - named lunch and dinner. - joan
IS that church in Piedmont or just looks like one? See you in the am. Jo and Mo
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