I don't care to shop for clothes. I find it unbelievably tedious; which is probably why I am still wearing the exact same "fashion" I've been wearing since I was old enough to pick out my own Toughskins and T-shirts.
Pity my poor mother, who has always had impeccable fashion sense, that she be gifted with an only daughter who will never know the difference between a blouse and a top (and could care less) and who probably commits all of the "top ten fashion mistakes" on a regular basis. She would tell me that she was afraid my coming out would lead to a lonely, spinster-esque existence and that she was sad she would never see me in "that big wedding all mother's dream about."
I think she was secretly more terrified that I would start sporting a mullet, a leather vest and painter pants.
I never wore a mullet.
Anyway, so we got the shopping done and I headed out into the rain towards home.

I decided to stop over at Lone Fir for a little visit as I hadn't been for a few weeks. These are the Stephen's. Aren't they sweet? These were the folks who had staked a claim on this land back in the 1860's. JB Stephens ran the Stark Street Ferry back and forth across the Willamette. He buried his wife and father here and eventually sold the property to a guy named Colburn Barrell; who in turn dedicated 10 acres to the city for a cemetery. Lone Fir is the oldest cemetery in Portland and is now at 33 lovely acres. With over 1000 mature trees, it's been called "a living arboretum in the city" and is, without a doubt, my favorite place in Portland.
In strolling through I went to the little grove of Redwood trees (there are four standing in a square cradling one little headstone)and found a small downed branch. I'm going to whittle it down to fit my staff crest that Ryushin gave me (warning...craft project ahead!!!).
All in all a lovely day...played a little poker with the girls, watched some XWP with gwen..and, after much muddlement, decided to have a little send-off shindig. Joan came up with the title: "Less Talkin', More Walkin" - I have aka'd it the "get the hell out of here already" affair. It'll be on Sunday, February 3rd from 4-8.
Details to follow!
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