I'm back from my wonderfully quiet and fairly productive weekend on the coast. I'm glad I enjoyed the solitude as much as I did, 'cause that's the last time I'm gonna have some of that for quite some time.
I love the Ocean..I truly do. The weather was pleasant enough for a few beach strolls and crappy enough for me to not feel guilty for staying tucked in my yurt working on my writing projects. I got a lot of reading done and was able to finish my first Street Roots column (I think, we'll see how the editor likes it) as well as my intro blog for the Longest Walk website. I also was able to do some research on a couple of magazine queries that I'll get out this week.
And that was pretty much it, I did take a little Xena out there with me (Hey, c'mon, I was all alone for crying out loud). Hmm..I did eat clam chowder, fish and chips....and two hot dogs (I ate miso and greens too, but I think the good stuff was completely saturated by the bad). Regina is going to kill me on Wednesday, god I feel like a heifer right now. A flabby heifer no less, and that ain't pretty. At all.
So, I leave in two weeks. I have a lot to try to take care of this week so my last week in town isn't completely frantic. I'll keep ya posted. It's been nice to be away, but it's truly good to be home for now.
Oh, and by the way..Lisa? Your kids are absolutely exempt from having to travel on Chuck E. Cheese airlines. And I do believe that there are no bad kids, only complacent parents (that's for those of you who have this strange idea that I don't like children..where would you ever get such an idea?)
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