I'm tired today. I got up early and started packing. Kate came over this morning and sat with me while I moved piles around - it's always so much more helpful when you've got someone to say, "don't pack that," it's especially helpful for me. Kate interrupted my packing a ream of scrap paper. It's in the recycling bin now. Thanks Kate!
Sorry for the poor quality of the photo - I took this in the late afternoon light - yesterday Henry said it was kind of funny that I was obviously moving things out, and yet nothing really seemed to change in my room. And then gwen made the mistake of peeking in and saying, "wow - you still have a lot to do." But, noticing the snap in my voice and deep furrowing of my brow, she
changed her statement to, "well, you know where your at."
I'm in flotsam mode for sure - what the hell to do with that half burnt candle - ugh, makes me crazy. Anyway.
Had my next to last session with Regina today - how sad! I'm not feeling so up to snuff either, so we worked abs and arms, she laid off the legs 'cause I just didn't have it (hey, but don't think she was a total pussycat - she's got a reputation to consider) We have one more session on Monday and that'll be that.
It's all entered the land of the surreal now - just little things that come up -- you know, I was in the store today and I was thinking...I shouldn't buy that, 'cause I'm not gonna be here long enough to finish it. That sort of stuff.
Still have some nuts and bolts stuff to deal with for Monday - getting my absentee ballot figured out and try to see if my W2 from Sisters is ready. Then it's all about, what the hell do I take with me? I have this crate full of stuff that will either go or stay. I think I'll have Sam help me with that when she comes over in the a.m.
Anyway -- it's coming together -- jeez, I have 10 days left here. This week went SO fast, I can't believe it's Saturday tomorrow already. Criminy
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