Sometimes I have all these photos that don't necessarily fit into any one story I have..or have been too lazy to write one around it. So..I'm just gonna put a bunch up here with a caption or two so you have some reference to them.
This first one is of Shun and I on his last morning in town. This is a really lousy picture of both of us..and normally I wouldn't even show it to you..I mean, look at Shun's eyes...he's really a very handsome young man. But, what's so funny to me about this photo is that someone on the walk saw it and said...”wow, you guys look just like a Midwestern couple.”
I'm thinking, Midwest of what country?

I took this photo of a gravestone in Butler, OK. I've never seen a misprint on a grave before, and I've been to a lot of cemeteries. This person, if you look closely...blow up the picture by clicking on it...died before they were even born. Quite a feat.

Here's one of the truck crossing into Oklahoma. I just like this shot. The bumper stickers are growing exponentially at this point.

Here's one I took of Jen who begrudgingly posed for it. “Look Mom, I'm eating,” she says. This is for Jen's mom and sis. Thanks so much for all your comments...I really enjoy getting them!

Oh, Aiko. Adore Aiko. Gonna miss her so much. Aiko was the second person I met on the walk, Wade was the first. We had so much fun in conversation, with her straining English and my zero Japanese. She has such a sweet, playful spirit – I hope to see her in Japan one of these days. This was taken the day we drove her to the bus station in Amarillo and ended up putting her on a plane instead...it's a long story and I just don't have the strength.

This is Jutta and another one of her and Takweya doing their crazy yoga thing. Jutta is from Germany and is leaving us in about a week. She is lovely, lovely and really funny. She's been with us from the beginning too and I'm gonna miss her a lot. She is hoping to try to come back...but like everything else, it comes down to money. Just so you know, she has a pet name for me...I can't spell it correctly I'm sure, but it sounds like “shleumph” -- it's the German name for smurf.. She calls me a smurf. I tell her that's not really a very endearing name...she insists that it is. I'm dubious.


Hope you enjoyed that...more coming in the future -- I have internet access outside the general store here on main street. Who would've thought? And we'll be here in Canton allllll week - so hope to post more photos soonly.
Thanks for the picture of Jen and all the updates.She always calls me the food police so hence the comment.
The morning wakeup to music sounds more pleasant to me,too.Sorry to know more walkers are leaving as by now they have become your walk family.
Her sister and I look forward to your humorous and insightful stories.
Hope to meet you in Washington.
Jen's Mom
Hi Nik -
Let me add my thanks for your great stories on your blog and for the picture of Jen...I was missing seeing her cute face. All of you are in my thoughts. Jen's sister (Lisa :-)
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