I can't report that's the case...we get fed way to well, and I take advantage of that, so no..not skinny at all. I doubt I've gained any weight, and I know I can wear a little slimmer pants, but that's about it.
Physically there are some changes that I have noticed. Mainly, right now because we have been in the desert for a few weeks, I am scaly as a freakin' lizard. Dry as the oldest of bones. In fact, my skin is so dry, that my limited vocabulary can't even describe accurately how dry my skin is. Carrie pictures the desert floor that hasn't felt rain for months. I'm envisioning chalk. What else, ummmm...how about nori, you know, those sheets of seaweed that you wrap sushi in? It's amazing that my fingers just haven't up and fallen off yet. Wait, they have..I'm typing with nubs. And even those are clogging my keyboard with grit-like sand.
So, there's that.
Obviously, my hair has gotten quite long...and it's getting pretty bleached out from being in the sun. Also..there's the tanning factor. Spending two months under the sun will do that. But the other night we were under some particularly bright lights in the bathroom, and I had just recently switched from glasses to contacts (screw came loose on the frames) and I realized...whoa, my friggin eyebrows had bleached out blond. It was kind of bizarre. For one thing...never really noticed my eyebrows before, my bangs are usually in the way. But, my hair has grown out so much that I don't really have bangs anymore, it's all just sort of long and hangs there on either side of my head. But something was off there on the face and that's when I realized that my previously dark eyebrows were now blond.
So..NOT skinny -- just more crackly and alternatively dark and blond.
SO sorry my camera's not working.

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