Monday, March 31, 2008

Sleeping Pad News

The news's gone. Way gone. My bruder asked me what kind of pad it was - thinking he might send me a new one (that's soooo sweet!). So, I report that while my nice, lightweight Thermarest is history (bugger-all); Kathleen has lent me an extra one that she had (which I think is actually her sister's - thanks Lizzie!).
So, I can use that one for now....but hey Matt, I may hit you up for a replacement when I get to Boston! And thanks so much for the offer.
Okay - have to sign off for the moment - it's shower time. There is one shower here for women - and there's about, oh --- 40 of us; so, I need to go claim my spot in line before it gets too late.
Just for a report - it's been 4 days since we've had showers and we've been walking through literal windstorms for the last 3 days (today was an easier day) - so we are all covered with a nice, thick layer of fine desert sand.
Maybe more than you wanted to know?
Talk to you soon.

1 comment:

Spadoman said...

Great to talk to you folks on the phone. I miss the walk, I miss my friends. I'm with you until I return to the walk in May. Can't wait to see you all again.

Peace to All as All life is Sacred