It's still close to midnight...but I wanted to put up some recent pictures for y'all since you've been so patient in waiting for new posts. Don't even know what I have in the hopper..let's see shall we?
Mmmm...this is a pic of a field in Canton, OK. I know I've said this before..but Oklahoma is really just a pretty, pretty state.

Here's a random shot I took from inside the truck. If you are sitting in the middle seat..this is pretty much what you are going to see. You gotta just take people's word that there is anything at all out the window.

This little abandoned cherub was sitting behind the casino in Canton..and no..we weren't gambling.

This just cracked us up. What the $(%)? I don't know how anybody finds there way anywhere in Oklahoma..this is actually seems to be a fairly common site.

This one is for you Theresa...Kathleen said you wanted to see what P.J. looked like. Here he is with Joe Spado and his wife Barb...Carrie is peeking her head up there. It's not a great picture, I'll try to get a better one soon. We did get good news in that Spadoman is joining the walk again in two weeks! Yes!

Kathleen took this one with my phone. It's from the sunrise walk last week.

This was taken the same morning. It was the first time in ages the three of us were walking together. That's Carrie and Kathleen (obviously)..it just warmed my heart to have them ahead of me..I took a break from drumming just to walk along with them for awhile. It was sweet.

Okay, that's it. It's now almost 12:30 -- hey, the boots are off. Gotta go to sleep.
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