I've always been a fan of libraries - one of my favorite things I would do with my grandma as a kid would be to hit the local library and load up on books. I remember being really excited about getting my first library card in San Francisco; felt all big-like.
Over the years I've discovered that libraries rock even when you are not a card carrying member to a local system; and they have been essential to my being able to continue blogging when my computer crapped out.
So...I just wanted to give a little shout out to all the awesome libraries I've visited across the country - thanks for all the computer time and the solace that you offer me in the form of a quiet place to read newspapers and magazines. They're also great for local info - generally clean bathrooms and research librarians who will look up anything for you and enjoy doing it.
Favorite library: That one in Alabama - they would've been my favorite even if they hadn't found my wallet and returned it to me. They were really generous with letting me be on the computer for three hours while I finished my street roots column.
Thank you local public library!
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