Early on in the Walk we bought a Scrabble game. But Scrabble is definitely one of those games that you either like..or you really don't. It can be long, you have to think for pretty much the whole time...I love it myself. Not the having to think part...just the ritual of the game. I've been playing since I was very young.
I remember sitting and watching my mother and aunts play for hours when I was a kid. Eventually I started playing with them. Scrabble is something my mother and I always do now when I visit and it's really one of the only ways that we connect on a pretty equal level. She's a brilliant Scrabble player..but she tries to get away with shit too. She tried to throw down Mai-Tai as a word once. On a triple word score no less. Still pissed about that.
Anyway..recently, a new game showed up. Addie paid a buck for a "Scategories" set and that's been making the rounds lately as well.
I had heard of it, but never really played it. I have to admit to feeling a certain level of anxiety around those big group games. Feels like performance and I thought Scategories was sort of like Pictionary in the whole "have to get up in front of people" genre of game. But it's not, as I found out. I also found out that we have some incredibly creative thinkers among our little clan.
Raymond, it seems, comes up with some wildly inventive answers
Category: School Subjects - Letter: D - Answer from Raymond: Dishes
Category: Musical Instruments - Letter: C - Answer: Calling, "You know...with your voice"
Category: Reasons for being Late - Letter: C - Answer: Causing an Accident
Category: Nicknames - Letter: B - Answer: BLT
He pulls the Canadian card all the time, he does that in Scrabble too ("It's French") - but Patrick is a pretty tough judge and doesn't let him get away with a lot. Patrick's fun too because he usually keeps the game rolling by using this little sing-song voice that shouldn't be coming out of him, "Okaaayyy...moving right along." It's cute.
Jen's just funny anyway...so she's always good for a laugh and Amy just kicks our ass on a regular basis.
I wasn't there for this game, but Jen told me that at the game the night before the letter "K" came up and Kathleen just filled in her name for all the answers.
Things You find on the beach: Kathleen
Amusing people. It helps you know, these little things to help us pass the time at this stage in the game. Sometimes we have these long rolling hours in between eating dinner and going to bed that have to be filled somehow...it beats banging your head against a tree I suppose, doesn't it?
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