I opened up my email this morning to a message from Lauren, who I worked with at Sisters of the Road. Apparently my wallet was found and sent to my old work address.
Totally random, eh? I don't know why they sent it there. I don't carry any of my business cards anymore. The only thing I can think of is that they 'googled' me and found some old stuff online from when I worked there. Who knows. Good choice though, librarian in Childersburg.
Yeah, I left it at a library in Childersburg, Alabama. Those folks were so nice. I remember that place well actually because I was in there forever, tied up one of their computers for about three hours while I worked on a really difficult street roots column.
I also remember that day because I wasn’t feeling well and think I got either a touch of heat exhaustion or was suffering from some stomach malady that had been going around camp. It had been blazing hot and I walked pretty much the whole day – I think I did about 14 miles. 3 of the miles I spent with Carrie in the truck dealing with angst.
God, it’s all coming back.
Okay, except for the library there wasn’t much good about Childersburg.
Hmmmm….and I’m not gonna go into it all here – but that’s the camp where some stuff got aired out. No regrets, just…ugh.
It’s funny how I can’t remember town names. It’s really rare when I can remember what city we were in. But I remember experiences. I can remember the camp site generally. Where my tent was. In some cases there are focal points. “the place where the tire fell off the truck.” – “that camp where the dead snake was” – “member that place with those nice people in the RV next to us?” You know, that kind of stuff.
Childersburg will be remembered for a late night talk and stomach flurries. And, the place where I apparently left my wallet in a library.
But…talking is always good. And getting my wallet back is definitely good. I was just about to try to deal with Oregon DMV to get a replacement license sent to me. No need now.
So…things are looking up.
We leave Asheville tomorrow morning and I’m kinda sad about that. This has been a great town to rest in and we’ve had terrific local supporters. We’ve been fed really well and generally just loved up. And we got to witness a gorgeous full moon last night, cresting above the trees over the French Broad River. Got to howl a little and that’s always encouraging.
I actually don’t know where we are going tomorrow. North.
Always North.
Hey guys…as of tomorrow we have 21 days left before we hit D.C. How crazy is that?
Wish me luck. Oh, and Big G – thanks for the laugh.
Lotsa love.
1 comment:
You rock woman!! I am so proud of the accomplishment you've made already to grind through the good the bad and the ugly...in and out. You deserve to finish. Don't rob yourself of that one. I love you guys...the courage and stamina of spirit it takes.
trish in portland...cheering ya'all on...compost and all!
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