I didn't get to spend a lot of time with Matt and Amy...I was due in Cape Cod the next day, and Matt was flying out of town on business so we had to cram in our visiting into one day. Which I think we did fairly well, all things considered.
I got a tour of their new home, which they just bought, and I have to say, I was utterly impressed with how homey everything was despite the short amount of time they had spent there. Nice work Amy!! I'm sure Matt was helpful, but I have a feeling you were behind the majority of this operation.

Again, sadly...my photos do not reflect this, and I do apologize. I claim sleep deprivation. But I did manage to take a picture of the Tallest Air Mattress In The World, which was the first bed - in a home - that I'd slept in since I left Portland. True, there have been many hotel rooms, and a lovely, comfortable couch at Annie's in Santa Fe..and a very nice pad at Nannie's house in Vermont...but this was pretty close to bed-like.

Although it was remarkably tall and had a little bit of the dynamic of sleeping on the cream portion of a (really tall) eclair, it was wonderfully comfortable and I slept well.
I also, oddly, snapped this photo of my first cup of tea away from the Walk. It had signifigance to me at the time. Not quite sure why. I was feeling sentimental apparantly...this was not the White Pearl's tea service.

Matt got up early to go into the office for an hour or so, which gave Amy and I a chance to hang out while I folded laundry (don't get me started on how cool their washer and dryer is - you wouldn't think that a w/d could be cool? Their's is. Really cool.). We happened upon an episode of Little House on the Prairie and bonded immediately during the struggles and parables of that hard-working, God-fearing family of the Prairie. Love that show.
We also realized that Little Laura was growing up a little fast in this episode, courtin' a fella much too old for her - earned him a bust in the chops from Pa - but it all got straightened out in the end - much to the dismay of Nellie Olsen, who also had a thing for Alfonzo. I think he ends up with Blind Mary in future episodes. I'll have to rent the DVD's when I return. I'm that curious.
Have I mentioned the Growler? I'm sorry to say that I cannot even remember the dog's real name - or even the gender - I'm so sorry - I'm going with female. Cutest little thing, but a bit...mmmm...high-strung. Rescue dog, bless you guys!! They have given her a wonderful home and indulge her special nature.I couldn't get too close to her, but I did get this shot.

And here's one with momma...

Anyhoo - Matt returned and we loaded up - sans Growler - into the car and headed for the Cape where we were to enjoy food, sun and sand before they dropped me at Sonja and Mike's house.
I hadn't seen the ocean in nearly 6 months, so it was a blessing that it was an absolutely gorgeous day and the beach wasn't too packed. Matt had been joking with me that since I would be leaving soon for Spain, that he had this image of me simply walking off the Eastern Coastline and continuing across the Atlantic until I reached the coastal waters on the other side of the world. I told him, "alright then...I'm off."
Here I am ... making his vision come true.

Seems Matt is a little rock-hound, he gathered these up in absolutely no time.

And here he is proudly displaying a magnificent find.

After we had worked up an appetite lounging on the beach, we headed up the hill to the Beachcomber, where we enjoyed oysters and fish tacos, wrapping up a lovely festive day.
I was sad to say goodbye to them - but I'll be seeing them down the road soon enough.
Oh, almost forgot - I happened to be there when the mail arrived, carrying their official marriage certificate. Kind-a cool. Congratulations you guys! Thanks for not having a big to-do wedding!! Love you both!!

1 comment:
Hey Schwest! We're in tears reading through this. Good times. Funny pictures. Oddly, Mila (a.k.a. the Growler) is the least dog-faced looking creature in the photos! We had a great time visiting with you and hope you make it back here soon. Vamos jugar por la playa (blame poor Spanish grammar on the Pixies).
--Love, your bro and sis-in-law.
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