What a gorgeous day.
That´s pretty much the sentiment that came to me during my morning walk up into the foothills above Sanilles. I have found a perfect little rock for leaning up against, next to a couple of young oaks; and I sat there this morning, watching two hawks circle and call to one another while the gentlest breeze moved the grasses around, the creek tumbled away behind me and the sun just starting to dapple everything. We are gifted with these sweet moments of perfection from time to time and this morning was one of them for me.
I have tomorrow off and am planning a long hike up into the hills to see what´s up there; but today I worked the bar and had a nice time of it. My Spanish is still atrocious, but I´m actually understanding a great deal more after 10 days here, and have even been able to string together a couple of standard sentences with some confidence. I´ve learned to pick out several key verbs, which helps tremendously with comprehension and Miguel, my work leader, continues to be astonishingly helpful.
Today was also lovely because I got to hang out most of the day with two new friends who showed up here a couple of nights ago and we immediately fell in love with each other.
Their names are Peter and Kinga (he from England, she´s Polish) and were actually "WWOOFérs" here at Sanilles eleven years ago. They say the place hasn´t changed all that much.
They are this wonderful dynamic duo who have done some beautiful things to make some positive change in the world. From producing and directing a film on the plight of stray animals in the U.K. and Spain (www.straytales.net) to raising money and saving rainforest in Argentina (10,000 acres); and they have currently just completed a beautiful eco-designed retreat center in Southern Spain. I saw pictures of it this morning and was quite wowed. They also write for a local magazine on a variety of green topics. Dynamic, this duo.
And fun...you know those people that you meet (when you´re lucky) that you just...you can´t stop talking to them, they can´t stop talking to you. Your conversations are almost rushed because there is so much to say and so many stories to tell and it´s all very fun and can go deep and then silly...that´s what it was like with these folks.
I just said goodbye to them and my little heart actually was a little sad...and here I´ve known them all of about 48 hours. Funny how these people show up in your life isn´t it? Like my family from the walk, I can´t imagine there was ever a time when I didn´t know them...these two felt like that and I wish them safe journey and the hopes that we cross paths again in this great, small world.
I don´t have much else to share today...I really dislike not having pictures to talk to you about...hope that changes soonly.
Alright then, I´m off to go back to my little rock. I´m done working for the day and am ready to put my feet up.
Lots of love to you all and I´ll talk to you soon.
1 comment:
Hi there...
Thought of you today while talking to Kid. He is just getting over Lyme disease... thinks he picked it up in Greenbelt when he saw a red mark appear on his waste line. Anyway I miss you tons! Pj is still in the twin cities with Joe and Barb. Miss him tons too!
Love you Nik! Oohh! Good news! Kid Valance will be in Ashland sometime in October!
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