I've been enjoying vacations at Camp Cushy for nearly ten years now. I was just talking to Regan and was telling her I thought it was funny that I don't really have many pictures of it.
And the ones I have...well, they just don't do it justice.
And I don't have any pictures of the river - which is the real appeal of the place. South Fork of the Smith River. Amazingly beautiful - the only undammed river in California, the South Fork is as crystalline beautiful as one can imagine. I am not a good enough writer to describe it...so just imagine the most beautiful river you have ever seen and enhance it. That's the South Fork that runs right along the beach of the land.
It's cold. Really cold and I get poked fun at for never wanting to swim in it. Folks think I'm nuts. I just don't dig cold water. Love sittin' by it - looking at it, musing through it - but to get in -- mmmmmm...no thanks, I'll watch from afar - frolic away my water-lovin babes. Enjoy yourself.
Anyway - no pictures of the river - here's the meadow that hangs out above the river.
Lovely, lovely.

Corbin and Joan are building a home out here. They did such a nice job with this, got some great folks to help them with it.

Unlike this structure - which I helped build. For some reason Corbin doesn't want to raise her child here. Hmmm.

But - this shack - the shimmy shack - has a great deal of history. Corbs and Regan and I all put this thing together over one fun-filled summer back in 2000. It's a storage shed, and dammit, the thing is still standing! So, says something about our carpentry skills. Something.
It also was the birth of our company, Carpentry by Force and the birth of our carpenter names - BruceRoy, Bob and me, Virgil. And we still, much to the chagrin of some, refer to each other by those names lo these many years still.
I love the shimmy shack. Love that it's still there. Oh, and I almost forgot - the motto for Carpentry by Force?
"Built to Last.....For Now." We even had shirts made. Still got mine.
Good times, good times.
Anyway, here's the "porch" of the kitchen and dining tents...

And here's Sophie enjoying her own respite.

I spent five days here - mostly sleeping off the road trip and the walk and the whole of these last 6 months. That's what this place is heaven for - pure relaxation - I also got to visit with my dear, dear family - Corbs, Joan and Regs were there - Gwennie! Oh, gwennie, my sweet friend. Soooo great to see her. We missed each other so much! Gwennie was celebrating a birthday that weekend too, so I was really glad to have gotten there for that.

I love my Gwennie.

- Nymiah and Jaca - got to see Bridget and Ward for a second - goddess they were all such beautiful sights.
And -- our Corbin - my BruceRoy - with child! So we weren't just celebrating her 40th - but the coming attraction (who is due in January) - she looked great, healthy and beautiful. No word on gender, we are calling the child "The Greek" or "The Little Baklava in the Oven." Sorry - you'll have to speculate onto why. It's funny.
But, as we were reminded, "you know you can't call the child "the greek" once it's born."
We know that.

"Bob" and I tried to take a couple of pictures of each other - we were having some really bad photo moments, so...here's a picture from our visit in Virginia - she took this one...(and the ones of me and gwen and corbs - thanks for those!)
I love this picture, it's kind of a wierd action photo - actually, Tiffany took this one.

Anyhoo....hard to leave this place, it always is. But it was time to get back to Portland and get ready for this whole Spain thing.
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