Friday, August 29, 2008

To all my Hopeful Facebook Friends

I have been getting lots of requests from folks wanting me to be friends on their Facebok pages.

And I would so love to be!

However---while I was successful in a couple of instances, it seems everytime I try to add a new friend to my page, this ancient computer with its ten year old software crashes. So I´ve given up, I don´t have a lot of computer time as it is, and this thing takes about five minutes to warm up..

So...all I´m saying is, I may have to try again in another couple of weeks when I find my way to a little speedier system.

Don´t know when that´ll be, but just know that I'm grateful I´ve got so many friends out in the world, and I´ll get to play in those Facebook reindeer games soon enough.


Anonymous said...

oh goody... i love to play games.. !!!! could u hurry up and do the hike so we can play..!! kathleen

Anonymous said...

silly anonymous... my name is kathleen.. dah... Hi nikki thanks for keepin us posted... !!!!! write more when im not walking .. oh yea thats over.. what was my excuse...??????

Anonymous said...

hey, it's wako. i'm also having this games failing most of the times.. ;)) glad to know you are doing excelent!

love you and miss you---- wako