I have hardly any pictures from my time here. I didn't really take any. Here's one of gwen on the day we took the bikes out for a spin - this is in front of Tad's Chicken and Dumplings - gwen liked the photo op.

Here's a nice photo of my little orange scoot.

Just realized my father doesn't know I have a motorcycle. Whoops. Now he does. Whelp. I've had it a couple of years - and Portland is a short riding season, so I haven't been on it too much - but, I'm a cautious rider, so don't worry too much.
And besides...I'll be in Spain for the next three months so ... no riding anymore for me this season.
And that's it. No more photos.
Here's what I did in Portland. I can only manage list form right now.
1) Bought stuff for the trip
2) Packed and repacked my backpack - added items, tossed items
3) Took the truck into the shop to have the u-joints replaced
4) Had a major freak-out fit when the ATM ate my debit card two days ago, sending me - reeling - into a tailspin of "I'm screwed..I'm screwed...whatamigonna do - I'll have no money in Spain..I'll be destitute, in Spain...wail, wail, much hand wringing and general woe.
5) Got over all of it
Have visited a few folks. Made a few calls. Saw a couple movies. Watched a bunch of Xena. Rode the motorcycle. Hung out with Skiddy (here he is)

I've walked a bunch since I've been here. Talked to my walker family (still miss you guys lots and lots) and just kind of tried to stay afloat. Went to a few meetings and heard there is great recovery in Barcelona (which I'll check out).
So....that's it. I won't have my phone in Spain. Please email me. I'll try to blog as much as I can.
I'll be volunteering (WWOOF) for Sanilles Cerdanya for 3-4 weeks (google them, it's a cool place); and then heading on the Camino de Santiago. Haven't decided whether I'm taking the Frances or the del Norte route yet. I'll decide later.
Can't write anymore, need to sleep. Love you all so much. I'll be in touch.
Oh -- I almost forgot...during my varying levels of freakout I got some great advice that I wanted to pass on. Some from gwen (of course) who, when I was spinning around what to take, or what not to take she told me, "just remember Nik, you will always have everything you need."
And this from my ol' buddy Bob, who reminded me that "Virge, life ain't complicated at all; you might think it is...but it ain't!"
And finally, from Kathleen, who I talked to just hours before I left..."always remember the most important thing to do is to have fun!"
Thanks gwen, Bob and Kathleen for those words of wisdom...I will carry them close to my heart. And thank you Peggy and Lisa for still reading the blog! That's very cool and sweet.
Love to everyone - I miss you guys already. Leaving for the plane now.
Hi Nik - it's Jen's sister, Lisa. Thanks for keeping up the blog - I look forward to reading about Spain. Best wishes for safe travels. I see Jen tomorrow on her way to Minnesota to join Ray. If you ever need a place to stay in Chicago - you got it!
Hi Nik-it's Peggy,Jen's mom. Best wishes for your trip to Spain. Still love your blog and your adventures which are always intersting and fun to read about.
Hey Nik, It's Joe, another Father figure in your life that didn't know you had a motorcycle. Let's ride when you get back. I'll see you sometime this winter out on the coast.
Love you and miss you.
PS I have a ton of gossip for you!! LOL
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