hello all -- I just got back from a two day trip to Seattle to visit my Aunt Rebecca. I purchased a new digital camera while I was up there so I could start putting some pictures on here for y'all. Rebecca and I had the good intention of getting a photo of us -- but it didn't happen. I don't know who these people are, but they sure look like they are having a good time in Seattle!
It was, expectedly (is that a word?) the exact same cold, wet weather in Seattle as it has been here in Portland, so we didn't do a whole lot of outdoor activities though I think my Aunt would have enjoyed doing more xmasy things like looking at "displays," -- she had even talked me into going to look at a "scene," but really...the weather is just prohibitive for this sort of activity, which for me is strained at best.
We did take in a couple of movies: I Am Legend (which was scarier than I was prepared for) and the Golden Compass, which I liked..I like fantasy stuff. We had good movie audiences in both cases..an absolute rarity for the two of us. Both Rebecca and I are plagued by the same affliction. We have noise issues, big time. I get really annoyed at the slightest little thing, especially in movie theatres. Crinkling wrappers, GUM CHEWING, sighing...what have you -- I realize people are just making people noises and cannot be faulted in the slightest...but sometimes they can. So, movie going can be a lesson in patience for me.
Once; Rebecca and I went to a packed theatre to see The Producers..I think this was just last year, maybe it was two years ago. Anyway, a man sat directly in back of us with, and I'm not kidding, an oxygen machine. I mean, I know, I know..the oxygen-challenged (and I'll probably be one someday) should get to enjoy an afternoon at the movies as much as the next person..but...!! Rebecca asked him if it could be quieted down in anyway (she really did), "Well, can't you put a coat on it or something?" Pssstthp....Pssstthp...Pssstthp.
All. Movie. Long.
My favorite 'Rebecca at the movies' story goes like this:
Matinee. Right about the time the movie is starting there is no one in the theatre but her. Nobody. Empty. A woman comes in right as the lights are dimming and she goes and sits right next to my aunt. Right next to her.
"Excuse me," Rebecca says gesturing to the 50 other vacant seats, "could ya choose another seat?"
"No," the woman says, "this is my favorite seat, I'm not moving."
You know, honestly I never remember how that story ends because I am usually laughing so hard that Rebecca starts laughing and then we never really get to the end. Rebecca can be very persuasive..so I can't imagine the other woman actually winning that particular power play.
Anyway...okay..talk to ya later. Hey, did ya see I finally got my little profile pic up? Thankfully, blogger made some changes to make it much easier for us computer-challenged nimrods.
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